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European Court of Human Rights

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issued by the Registrar of the Court

ECHR (2018)


ECHR declares application by parents of Alfie Evans inadmissible

The European Court of Human Rights has today declared the application Evans v. the United Kingdom (application no. 14238/18) inadmissible, finding that there was no appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.

The decision in the case was taken by a committee of three judges. The decision is final.

The Court has also rejected a request for an interim measure made by the applicants under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court to stay the order of the domestic courts permitting the withdrawal of Alfie Evans’s treatment.

The applicants are the parents of Alfie Evans, born on 9 May 2016, who has been on ventilation in hospital after becoming seriously ill with a catastrophic and untreatable, progressive, neurodegenerative condition.

Both the request for an interim measure and the substantive application were received by the Court on 23 March 2018.

The parties to the case have been notified of the Court’s decision.

This press release is a document produced by the Registry. It does not bind the Court. Decisions, judgments and further information about the Court can be found on www.echr.coe.int. To receive the Court’s press releases, please subscribe here: www.echr.coe.int/RSS/en or follow us on Twitter


Press contacts

echrpress@echr.coe.int | tel: +33 3 90 21 42 08

Patrick Lannin (tel: + 33 3 90 21 44 18)

Tracey Turner-Tretz (tel: + 33 3 88 41 35 30)

Denis Lambert (tel: + 33 3 90 21 41 09)

Inci Ertekin (tel: + 33 3 90 21 55 30)

The European Court of Human Rights was set up in Strasbourg by the Council of Europe Member States in 1959 to deal with alleged violations of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights.

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URL: http://www.bailii.org/eu/cases/ECHR/2018/297.html