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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 1311
  1. Hughes v Porral (Gibraltar) [1842] UKPC 10 (20 June 1842) (View without highlighting) [116%]
    ([1842] UKPC 10; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 0 KB)

  2. Casciaro Brothers v The Attorney General for Gibraltar (Gibraltar) [1920] UKPC 89 (28 October 1920) (View without highlighting) [109%]
    ([1920] UKPC 89; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 1 KB)

  3. Cerisola (a child) v. Attorney General for Gibraltar (Gibraltar) [2008] UKPC 18 (6 March 2008) (View without highlighting) [97%]
    ([2008] UKPC 18; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 33 KB)

  4. Her Majesty's Attorney General for Gibraltar v Shimizu (Gibraltar) [2005] UKPC 26 (28 June 2005) (View without highlighting) [97%]
    ((2005) 20 BHRC 223, 20 BHRC 223, [2005] 1 WLR 3335, [2005] UKPC 26, [2005] WLR 3335; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 30 KB)

  5. The Sanitary Commissioners of Gibraltar v Orfila and others (Gibraltar) [1890] UKPC 28 (28 June 1890) (View without highlighting) [95%]
    ((1890) LR 15 App Cas 400, 15 App Cas 400, [1890] UKPC 28; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 1 KB)

  6. Spilsbury v The Queen (Gibraltar) [1899] UKPC 26 (3 May 1899) (View without highlighting) [94%]
    ([1899] AC 392, [1899] UKPC 26; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 1 KB)

  7. Gibfibre Ltd (t/a GibFibreSpeed) v Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (Gibraltar) [2021] UKPC 31 (29 November 2021) (View without highlighting) [92%]
    ([2021] UKPC 31; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 72 KB)

  8. Ford v. R (Gibraltar) [2003] UKPC 35 (9 April 2003) (View without highlighting) [91%]
    ([2003] UKPC 35; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 15 KB)

  9. Rojas v. Berllaque (Gibraltar) [2003] UKPC 76 (10 November 2003) (View without highlighting) [90%]
    (15 BHRC 404, [2003] UKPC 76, [2004] 1 WLR 201, [2004] HRLR 7, [2004] WLR 201; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 64 KB)

  10. Pisani v Her Majesty's Attorney General for Gibraltar (Gibraltar) [1874] UKPC 47 (23 June 1874) (View without highlighting) [90%]
    ([1874] UKPC 47; From The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Decisions; 1 KB)

Total results: 1311

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