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Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions

You are here: BAILII >> Databases >> Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions >> Nolan -v- Murphy [2005] IESC 17 (18 March 2005)
URL: http://www.bailii.org/ie/cases/IESC/2005/17.html
Cite as: [2005] IESC 17

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Judgment Title: Nolan -v- Murphy

Neutral Citation: [2005] IESC 17

Supreme Court Record Number: 157/04

High Court Record Number: 2002 9533 P

Date of Delivery: 18/03/2005

Court: Supreme Court

Composition of Court: Denham J., Geoghegan J., McCracken J.

Judgment by: Denham J.

Status of Judgment: Approved

Judgments by
Denham J.
Appeal allowed - vary High Court Order
Geoghegan J., McCracken J.

Outcome: Allow And Vary

RECORD NO. 157/2004




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URL: http://www.bailii.org/ie/cases/IESC/2005/17.html