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Scottish Court of Session Decisions

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[1629] Mor 15342      

Subject_1 TACK.
Subject_2 SECT. XVI.

Inhibition of Teinds.


Date: 18 March 1629
Case No. No. 237.

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The Laird of Caprington being tacksman of the half teind of the parish of ________, and Mr. Matthew Crawfurd, tackman of the other half of the teind of the said parish, either of them had been in use to uplift the teind of so many roums as extended to their half. Caprington serves inhibition and pursues inhibition against Mr. Matthew's tenants for his half-teind, conform to his tack. Mr. Matthew defends himself by his tack of the other half-teind and possession of the hail teind of such lands as were equivalent to his half of the parish. The allegeance was found relevant, except Caprington would allege that Mr. Matthew bruiked more than his half.

Auchinleck MS. p. 232.

The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting     

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URL: http://www.bailii.org/scot/cases/ScotCS/1629/Mor3515342-237.html