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Scottish Court of Session Decisions

You are here: BAILII >> Databases >> Scottish Court of Session Decisions >> Lord Torfichen v Feuars of - . [1739] 5 Brn 673 (27 November 1739)
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[1739] 5 Brn 673      

Subject_2 MONBODDO.

Lord Torfichen
Feuars of -

Date: 27 November 1739

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Lord Torfichen's feuars had a dispute with the vassals of another superior, about the property of a muir, in which they succumbed, and had a decreet pronounced against them. Before extract, Lord Torfichen interposes, and offers to produce documents that the muir is the property of his vassals. The question is, Whether he ought to be heard?

The Lords found he could, because he had an interest in the question; for though it was not disputed but that he was superior of the muir in question, yet he was not obliged to change his vassal; and it was thought more his interest to keep his own vassal, with whom, or with whose predecessors, he had entered into the feudal contract, than to admit a stranger to the fee. Therefore, though it was not necessary to call him in the process, yet he might come voluntarily into the field, and show reason why the decreet should not pass, at any time before extract, in the same manner as the feuars themselves would have been allowed to produce any new-discovered evidents of their rights.

The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting     

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URL: http://www.bailii.org/scot/cases/ScotCS/1739/Brn050673-0819.html