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Scottish Court of Session Decisions

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[1740] Mor 10405      

Subject_2 SECT. III.

What Rights go to Assignees.

Earl of Roseberry
Geddes of Scotstoun, &c

Date: 23 July 1740
Case No. No 84.

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The Earl of Roseberry's estate being sequestrated by the Lords at the suit of his creditors, and L. 100 Sterling yearly allowed to himself in name of aliment; upon a complaint by the Earl against certain of his creditors for having poinded his horse, which he affirmed to have been purchased by him with the money allowed for his aliment, the Lords founds, “That the horse being by the execution of poinding estimated at L. 9 Sterling, was not poindable, and ordained the poinder to restore.”

The day before, the Lords had found another horse of his poindable, because being of L. 50 Sterling value, such horse could not be presumed purchased by his aliment; but a horse of so low a value as L. 9 was what reasonably might be purchased out of the aliment for his use, and so was as little poindable as the aliment itself was arrestable.

Kilkerran, (Aliment and Education.) No 3. p. 22.

The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting     

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URL: http://www.bailii.org/scot/cases/ScotCS/1740/Mor2510405-084.html