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Scottish Court of Session Decisions

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[1746] Mor 7436      

Subject_2 DIVISION IV.

Jurisdiction of the Court of Session.
Subject_3 SECT. VII.

Nobile officium.

Braidwood, Petitioner

Date: 18 July 1746
Case No. No 157.

The Court appointed Bailies in that part to receive applications from indigent prisoners for debt in the tolbooth of Edinburgh.

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Upon a petition presented by James Braidwood candlemaker in Edinburgh, shewing that he was incarcerated for debt in the tolbooth there, and that he was willing to dispone to his creditors his whole effects, on doing whereof he was by law entitled to be alimented or discharged; but there being at present no Magistrates of the city of Edinburgh to whom he might make application for that purpose, therefore praying the Lords to take his case into consideration, and to grant him such relief as the Magistrates of burghs were bound to do.

The Lords appointed the four late Bailies, to be Bailies in that part for proceeding on this petition, and for receiving applications of this nature from indigent prisoners for debt, and proceeding thereon.

Fol. Dic. v. 3. p. 348. D. Falconer, No 134. p. 166.

The electronic version of the text was provided by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting     

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URL: http://www.bailii.org/scot/cases/ScotCS/1746/Mor1807436-157.html