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  1. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Angola - Legislation
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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 33
  1. KM (exclusion from the protection of the Refugee Convention) Congo [2022] UKUT 125 (IAC) (9 March 2022) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2022] Imm AR 934, [2022] UKUT 125 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 247 KB)

  2. AB (para 399(a)) [2015] UKUT 657 (IAC) (20 November 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] UKUT 657 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 142 KB)

  3. Bossade (ss.117A-D-interrelationship with Rules) [2015] UKUT 415 (IAC) (16 July 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] Imm AR 1281, [2015] UKUT 415 (IAC), [2016] INLR 242; From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 105 KB)

  4. MAB (para 399; "unduly harsh") [2015] UKUT 435 (IAC) (16 July 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] UKUT 435 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 155 KB)

  5. Chege (section 117D Ð Article 8 Ð approach : Kenya) [2015] UKUT 165 (IAC) (5 March 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] INLR 505, [2015] Imm AR 850, [2015] UKUT 165 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 99 KB)

  6. Amin, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (IJR) [2015] UKUT 135 (IAC) (26 February 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] UKUT 135 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 62 KB)

  7. Dube (ss.117A-117D) [2015] UKUT 90 (IAC) (24 February 2015) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2015] INLR 521, [2015] Imm AR 651, [2015] UKUT 90 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 81 KB)

  8. MB (Cabinda risk) (CG) [2014] UKUT 434 (IAC) (8 September 2014) (View without highlighting) [100%]
    ([2014] UKUT 434 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 316 KB)

  9. Vasconcelos (risk - rehabilitation) Portugal [2013] UKUT 378 (16 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2013] UKUT 378; From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 89 KB)

  10. CM (EM country guidance; disclosure) Zimbabwe CG [2013] UKUT 59 (IAC) (31 January 2013) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2013] UKUT 00059 (IAC), [2013] UKUT 59 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 613 KB)

  11. EM and others (Returnees) Zimbabwe CG [2011] UKUT 98 (IAC) (14 March 2011) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2011] UKUT 00098 (IAC), [2011] UKUT 98 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 1454 KB)

  12. BK (Failed asylum seekers) DRC (Rev 1) CG [2007] UKAIT 00098 (31 October 2008) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00098, [2007] UKAIT 98; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 501 KB)

  13. MA (Disputed Nationality) Ethiopia [2008] UKAIT 00032 (17 April 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00032, [2008] UKAIT 32; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 131 KB)

  14. HS (returning asylum seekers) Zimbabwe CG [2007] UKAIT 00094 (29 November 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00094, [2007] UKAIT 94; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 298 KB)

  15. JF (Article 8: inconsistency, family members) Angola [2005] UKAIT 00173 (08 December 2005) (View without highlighting) [21%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00173, [2005] UKAIT 173, [2005] UKIAT 00173; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 15 KB)

  16. TN and others (BDK members, not at risk) Democratic Republic of Congo [2005] UKAIT 00152 (04 November 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00152, [2005] UKAIT 152, [2005] UKIAT 00152; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 44 KB)

  17. EB (fresh evidence, fraud, directions) Ghana [2005] UKAIT 00131 (20 September 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00131, [2005] UKAIT 131, [2005] UKIAT 00131, [2006] Imm AR 11; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 24 KB)

  18. M v Secretary of State for the Home Department Angola [2002] UKIAT TH43669031 (05 July 2004) (View without highlighting) [18%]
    ([2002] UKIAT TH43669031; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 38 KB)

  19. AM (Extra statutory recommendations generally undesirable) Angola [2004] UKIAT 00146 (08 June 2004) (View without highlighting) [24%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00146, [2004] UKIAT 146; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 12 KB)

  20. TM (Home office Conviction, Consideration of) Congo- Democratic Republic of [2004] UKIAT 00025 (19 February 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00025, [2004] UKIAT 25; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 11 KB)

  21. S v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Angola) [2003] UKIAT 00159 (26 November 2003) (View without highlighting) [19%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00159, [2003] UKIAT 159; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  22. NL (Mozu Facts) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00058 (03 September 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00058, [2003] UKIAT 58; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 31 KB)

  23. FP (Return, Cabinda, Non Luandan) Angola CG [2003] UKIAT 00204 (16 July 2003) (View without highlighting) [34%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00204, [2003] UKIAT 204; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 22 KB)

  24. AN (Risk, Failed Asylum Seekers) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00050 (04 July 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00050, [2003] UKIAT 50; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 32 KB)

  25. M v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Angola) [2003] UKIAT 00049 (03 July 2003) (View without highlighting) [20%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00049, [2003] UKIAT 49; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 16 KB)

  26. M v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Angola) [2003] UKIAT 00010 (05 June 2003) (View without highlighting) [17%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00010, [2003] UKIAT 10; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 6 KB)

  27. MG (Desertion, Punishment) Angola CG [2002] UKIAT 07360 (21 March 2003) (View without highlighting) [33%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 07360, [2002] UKIAT 7360; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 13 KB)

  28. NB (Mixed Ethnicity, Ethiopian Eritrean) Ethiopia CG [2002] UKIAT 06526 (14 February 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 06526, [2002] UKIAT 6526; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  29. AL (Documentary Evidence, UNHCR Peaceholding) Angola CG [2002] UKIAT 06429 (07 February 2003) (View without highlighting) [28%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 06429, [2002] UKIAT 6429; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 16 KB)

  30. MM (risk, failed asylum seekers) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00071 (30 January 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00071, [2003] UKIAT 71; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 50 KB)

  31. VG (Operational Guidance Note 2001) Angola CG [2002] UKIAT 04045 (29 August 2002) (View without highlighting) [27%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 04045, [2002] UKIAT 4045; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 10 KB)

  32. LR & Others (Persecution, Vendetta) Colombia CG [2002] UKIAT 03158 (26 July 2002) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 03158, [2002] UKIAT 3158; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 37 KB)

  33. AA (Risk Return, Luandan) Angola CG [2002] UKIAT 01518 (14 May 2002) (View without highlighting) [32%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 01518, [2002] UKIAT 1518; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 16 KB)

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