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  1. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Armenia - Legislation
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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 12
  1. PS (Christianity - risk) Iran CG [2020] UKUT 46 (IAC) (20 February 2020) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2020] UKUT 46 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 273 KB)

  2. SL (Unmarried mother with mixed race child) Azerbaijan CG [2013] UKUT 46 (IAC) (19 February 2013) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2013] UKUT 46 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 196 KB)

  3. LM (returnees – expired exit permit) Uzbekistan CG [2012] UKUT 390 (IAC) (29 November 2012) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2012] UKUT 00390 (IAC), [2012] UKUT 390 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 329 KB)

  4. ZQ (serving soldier) Iraq CG [2009] UKAIT 00048 (02 December 2009) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2009] UKAIT 00048, [2009] UKAIT 48; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 212 KB)

  5. OY (Chechen Muslim women) Russia CG [2009] UKAIT 00005 (22 December 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2009] UKAIT 00005, [2009] UKAIT 5; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 106 KB)

  6. OM (Returning citizens, minorities, religion) Uzbekistan CG [2007] UKAIT 00045 (23 May 2007) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00045, [2007] UKAIT 45; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 121 KB)

  7. U v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] UKSIAC 32/2005 (14 May 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKSIAC 32/2005; From Special Immigrations Appeals Commission; 206 KB)

  8. EA (Azerbaijan male, Armenian ethnicity, risk) Azerbaijan CG [2007] UKAIT 00032 (26 March 2007) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00032, [2007] UKAIT 32; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 48 KB)

  9. AL (Azeris and Mixed Marriages) Armenia [2005] UKIAT 00087 (21 April 2005) (View without highlighting) [100%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00087, [2005] UKIAT 00087, [2005] UKIAT 87; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 37 KB)

  10. M v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Armenia) [2003] UKIAT 00025 (25 November 2003) (View without highlighting) [50%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00025, [2003] UKIAT 25; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 15 KB)

  11. MT v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] UKIAT 03404 (02 August 2002) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 03404, [2002] UKIAT 3404; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  12. Secretary of State for the Home Department v NS [2002] UKIAT 01257 (29 April 2002) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 01257, [2002] UKIAT 1257; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 11 KB)

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