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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 44
  1. DH (Particular Social Group: Mental Health) Afghanistan [2020] UKUT 223 (IAC) (03 June 2020) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2020] UKUT 223 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 452 KB)

  2. SB (vulnerable adult: credibility) Ghana [2019] UKUT 398 (IAC) (22 November 2019) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2019] UKUT 398 (IAC), [2020] Imm AR 427; From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 97 KB)

  3. AXB (Art 3 health: obligations; suicide) Jamaica [2019] UKUT 397 (IAC) (15 November 2019) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2019] UKUT 397 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 206 KB)

  4. MS (s.117C(6): "very compelling circumstances") Philippines [2019] UKUT 122 (IAC) (4 March 2019) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2019] INLR 607, [2019] Imm AR 767, [2019] UKUT 122 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 70 KB)

  5. EA & Ors (Article 3 medical cases - Paposhvili not applicable : Afghanistan) [2017] UKUT 445 (07 August 2017) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2017] UKUT 445; From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 88 KB)

  6. Amirteymour & Ors (EEA appeals; human rights) [2015] UKUT 466 (IAC) (4 August 2015) (View without highlighting) [7%]
    ([2015] UKUT 466 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 216 KB)

  7. Ahmed (Amos; Zambrano; reg 15A(3) (c) 2006 EEA Regs) Pakistan (Rev 1) [2013] UKUT 89 (IAC) (28 February 2013) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2013] UKUT 89 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 217 KB)

  8. Fiaz (cancellation of leave to remain - fairness) Pakistan [2012] UKUT 57 (IAC) (22 February 2012) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2012] UKUT 57 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 71 KB)

  9. Patel (consideration of Sapkota - unfairness) India [2011] UKUT 484 (IAC) (16 December 2011) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2011] UKUT 484 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 85 KB)

  10. SI (variation/curtailment:human rights ground) Pakistan [2011] UKUT 118 (IAC) (28 March 2011) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2011] Imm AR 517, [2011] UKUT 00118 (IAC), [2011] UKUT 118 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 16 KB)

  11. RS & Ors (Zimbabwe - AIDS) Zimbabwe CG [2010] UKUT 363 (IAC) (14 October 2010) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2010] UKUT 00363 (IAC), [2010] UKUT 363 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 536 KB)

  12. MS (AS & NV considered) Pakistan [2010] UKUT 117 (IAC) (23 April 2010) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2010] UKUT 117 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 97 KB)

  13. AM and BM (Trafficked women) Albania CG [2010] UKUT 80 (IAC) (18 February 2010 ) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2010] UKUT 00080, [2010] UKUT 00080 (IAC), [2010] UKUT 80 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 412 KB)

  14. Kan (Post-Study Work, degree award required) India [2009] UKAIT 00022 (05 June 2009) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2009] UKAIT 00022, [2009] UKAIT 22; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 19 KB)

  15. AM & AM (armed conflict: risk categories) Rev 1 Somalia CG [2008] UKAIT 00091 (27 January 2009) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00091, [2008] UKAIT 91; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 450 KB)

  16. FB (Lone women, PSG, internal relocation, AA (Uganda) considered) Sierra Leone [2008] UKAIT 00090 (27 November 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00090, [2008] UKAIT 90; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 130 KB)

  17. SZ and JM (Christians, FS confirmed) Iran CG [2008] UKAIT 00082 (12 November 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00082, [2008] UKAIT 82; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 284 KB)

  18. MH (Working holidaymaker: intention to support) Bangladesh [2008] UKAIT 00039 (25 April 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00039, [2008] UKAIT 39; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 9 KB)

  19. MA (Disputed Nationality) Ethiopia [2008] UKAIT 00032 (17 April 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00032, [2008] UKAIT 32; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 131 KB)

  20. NM (Disability discrimination) Iraq [2008] UKAIT 00026 (25 March 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00026, [2008] UKAIT 26; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 38 KB)

  21. TS (Working Holidaymaker: no third party support) India [2008] UKAIT 00024 (20 March 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] Imm AR 440, [2008] UKAIT 00024, [2008] UKAIT 24; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 27 KB)

  22. HH & others (Mogadishu: armed conflict: risk) Somalia CG [2008] UKAIT 00022 (28 January 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00022, [2008] UKAIT 22; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 551 KB)

  23. AN and NN (s.83, asylum grounds only) Albania [2007] UKAIT 00097 (10 December 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00097, [2007] UKAIT 97; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 33 KB)

  24. GG (political oppositionists) Ivory Coast CG [2007] UKAIT 00086 (23 October 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00086, [2007] UKAIT 86; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 104 KB)

  25. SK (FGM, ethnic groups) Liberia CG [2007] UKAIT 00001 (08 January 2007) (View without highlighting) [100%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00001, [2007] UKAIT 1; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 67 KB)

  26. PO (interests of the state, Article 8) Nigeria [2006] UKAIT 00087 (24 October 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00087, [2006] UKAIT 87; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 15 KB)

  27. HK (Interviewer as advocate: unfair?) Ethiopia [2006] UKAIT 00081 (17 October 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00081, [2006] UKAIT 81; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 44 KB)

  28. SS & Ors (Ankara Agreement, no in-country right of appeal) Turkey [2006] UKAIT 00074 (29 September 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00074, [2006] UKAIT 74; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 93 KB)

  29. ES (Ashkaelians, mixed Ashkaelian ethnicity) Serbia and Montenegro CG [2006] UKAIT 00071 (18 September 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00071, [2006] UKAIT 71; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 110 KB)

  30. LD (Article 14; same-sex relationships) Brazil [2006] UKIAT 00075 (10 September 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKIAT 00075, [2006] UKIAT 75; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 64 KB)

  31. PN (Lord's Resistance Army) Uganda CG [2006] UKAIT 00022 (06 March 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00022, [2006] UKAIT 22; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 62 KB)

  32. STARRED JM (Rule 62(7); human rights unarguable) (Liberia) [2006] UKAIT 00009 (06 February 2006) (View without highlighting) [27%]
    ([2006] Imm AR 336, [2006] UKAIT 00009, [2006] UKAIT 9; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 36 KB)

  33. AS (Rule 30.1: when reply required) Liberia [2005] UKAIT 00151 (27 October 2005) (View without highlighting) [35%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00151, [2005] UKAIT 151, [2005] UKIAT 00151; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  34. JM (Monrovia, risk upon return) Liberia [2004] UKIAT 00111 (18 May 2004) (View without highlighting) [45%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00111, [2004] UKIAT 111; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 11 KB)

  35. LB (Article 3, Monrovia, Security) Liberia CG [2004] UKIAT 00299 (28 April 2004) (View without highlighting) [50%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00299, [2004] UKIAT 299; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 41 KB)

  36. T v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Liberia) [2003] UKIAT 00164 (08 December 2003) (View without highlighting) [32%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00164, [2003] UKIAT 164; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 10 KB)

  37. C v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sierra Leone) [2003] UKIAT 00195 (24 November 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00195, [2003] UKIAT 195; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 9 KB)

  38. C v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sierra Leone) [2003] UKIAT 00068 (08 September 2003) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00068, [2003] UKIAT 68; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 29 KB)

  39. S v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sierra Leone) [2003] UKIAT 00080 (20 August 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00080, [2003] UKIAT 80; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 41 KB)

  40. SB (Risk, Freetown) Sierra Leone CG [2002] UKIAT 07323 (19 March 2003) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 07323, [2002] UKIAT 7323; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 16 KB)

  41. S v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sierra Leone) [2003] UKIAT 00075 (10 January 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00075, [2003] UKIAT 75; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 15 KB)

  42. PO (Risk Return, General) Sierra Leone CG [2002] UKIAT 03285 (30 July 2002) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 03285, [2002] UKIAT 3285; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 24 KB)

  43. STARRED Gardi (Asylum, KAA, Internal Flight Alternative) Iraq [2001] UKIAT 00017 (16 November 2001) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2001] UKIAT 00017, [2001] UKIAT 01TH2997, [2001] UKIAT 17; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 29 KB)

  44. Smith v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Liberia) [2000] UKIAT 00TH02130 (09 June 2000) (View without highlighting) [48%]
    ([2000] UKIAT 00TH02130, [2000] UKIAT TH2130; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 54 KB)

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