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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 48
  1. PO (DRC) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department (DRC - Post 2018 elections) DRC CG [2023] UKUT 117 (IAC) (18 April 2023) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2023] UKUT 117 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 513 KB)

  2. YSA (Anonymity of Barristers) Somalia [2023] UKUT 74 (IAC) (9 December 2022) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2023] UKUT 74 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 100 KB)

  3. KM (exclusion from the protection of the Refugee Convention) Congo [2022] UKUT 125 (IAC) (9 March 2022) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2022] Imm AR 934, [2022] UKUT 125 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 247 KB)

  4. The Secretary of State for the Home Department v Ndwanyi (Rwanda) [2020] UKUT 378 (IAC) (30 December 2020) (View without highlighting) [17%]
    ([2020] UKUT 378 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 49 KB)

  5. Majera, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (bail conditions: law and practice) [2017] UKUT 163 (IAC) (13 March 2017) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2017] UKUT 163 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 98 KB)

  6. Ruhumuliza (Article 1F and "undesirable" : Rwanda) [2016] UKUT 284 (IAC) (19 May 2016) (View without highlighting) [26%]
    ([2016] UKUT 284 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 40 KB)

  7. BM and Others (returnees - criminal and non-criminal) (CG) [2015] UKUT 293 (IAC) (2 June 2015) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2015] UKUT 293 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 288 KB)

  8. GJ (post-civil war: returnees) Sri Lanka CG (Rev 1) [2013] UKUT 319 (IAC) (5 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2013] UKUT 319 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 1561 KB)

  9. GJ (post-civil war: returnees) Sri Lanka CG (Rev 1) [2013] UKUT 319 (IAC) (5 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    (From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 1561 KB)

  10. AK (Article 15(c)) Afghanistan CG [2012] UKUT 163 (IAC) (18 May 2012) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2012] UKUT 00163 (IAC), [2012] UKUT 163 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 605 KB)

  11. Azimi-Rad (Art.1F(a) - complicity - Arts 7 and 25 ICC Statute) Iran [2011] UKUT 339 (IAC) (01 September 2011) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2011] Imm AR 884, [2011] UKUT 00339 (IAC), [2011] UKUT 339 (IAC); From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 109 KB)

  12. GS (Article 15(c): indiscriminate violence) Afghanistan CG [2009] UKAIT 00044 (15 October 2009) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2009] UKAIT 00044, [2009] UKAIT 44; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 185 KB)

  13. AM & AM (armed conflict: risk categories) Rev 1 Somalia CG [2008] UKAIT 00091 (27 January 2009) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00091, [2008] UKAIT 91; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 450 KB)

  14. BK (Failed asylum seekers) DRC (Rev 1) CG [2007] UKAIT 00098 (31 October 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00098, [2007] UKAIT 98; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 501 KB)

  15. NA (risk categories, Hema) Democratic Republic of Congo CG [2008] UKAIT 00071 (29 September 2008) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00071, [2008] UKAIT 71; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 70 KB)

  16. VM (FGM,risks,Mungiki,Kikuyu/Gikuyu) Kenya CG [2008] UKAIT 00049 (09 June 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00049, [2008] UKAIT 49; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 291 KB)

  17. MA (Disputed Nationality) Ethiopia [2008] UKAIT 00032 (17 April 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00032, [2008] UKAIT 32; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 131 KB)

  18. KH (Article 15(c) Qualification Directive) Iraq CG [2008] UKAIT 00023 (25 March 2008) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2008] UKAIT 00023, [2008] UKAIT 23; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 570 KB)

  19. MM (UDPS members, Risk on return) Democratic Republic of Congo CG [2007] UKAIT 00023 (13 March 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] UKAIT 00023, [2007] UKAIT 23; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 152 KB)

  20. PN (Lord's Resistance Army) Uganda CG [2006] UKAIT 00022 (06 March 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] UKAIT 00022, [2006] UKAIT 22; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 62 KB)

  21. AS (Kirundi/Buyenzi, country expert evidence) Burundi Rev 1 [2005] UKAIT 00172 (08 December 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00172, [2005] UKAIT 172, [2005] UKIAT 00172; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 25 KB)

  22. AB and DM (Risk categories reviewed, Tutsis added) Democratic Republic of Congo CG [2005] UKIAT 00118 (21 July 2005) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00118, [2005] UKIAT 00118, [2005] UKIAT 118; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 67 KB)

  23. JT (Tutsi, failed asylum seekers, evidence) Democratic Republic of Congo [2005] UKAIT 00102 (23 May 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00102, [2005] UKAIT 102, [2005] UKIAT 00102; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 44 KB)

  24. FM (Articles 3/8 in medical cases) Uganda [2005] UKIAT 00012 (17 January 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] UKAIT 00012, [2005] UKIAT 00012, [2005] UKIAT 12; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 28 KB)

  25. HE (DRC, credibility and psychiatric reports) Democratic Republic of Congo [2004] UKIAT 00321 (16 December 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00321, [2004] UKIAT 321, [2005] Imm AR 119; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 40 KB)

  26. AG (Returnees, deserters, prison conditions) Rwanda CG [2004] UKIAT 00289 (28 October 2004) (View without highlighting) [40%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00289, [2004] UKIAT 289; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 23 KB)

  27. VK (Risk on return, Rwandan heritage) Democratic Republic of Congo [2004] UKIAT 00337 (29 September 2004) (View without highlighting) [6%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00337, [2004] UKIAT 337; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 19 KB)

  28. UK (Use of N judgment as a benchmark in ill-health cases) Rwanda [2004] UKIAT 00262 (21 September 2004) (View without highlighting) [21%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00262, [2004] UKIAT 262; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 11 KB)

  29. TC (Mixed ethnicity, Rwandan) Democratic Republic of Congo [2004] UKIAT 00238 (20 August 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00238, [2004] UKIAT 238; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 25 KB)

  30. AR (Burundi, spoken language, Kurundi) Burundi [2004] UKIAT 00225 (18 August 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00225, [2004] UKIAT 225; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 11 KB)

  31. AN (Rwanda Prominent MDR family) Rwanda [2004] UKIAT 00334 (12 July 2004) (View without highlighting) [100%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00334, [2004] UKIAT 334; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  32. FK (Respondent's notices, genocide survivors) Rwanda [2004] UKIAT 00185 (08 July 2004) (View without highlighting) [37%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00185, [2004] UKIAT 185; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 16 KB)

  33. RK (Obligation to investigate) Democratic Republic of Congo [2004] UKIAT 00129 (7 June 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00129, [2004] UKIAT 129; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 57 KB)

  34. IB and TK (Sikhs, Risk on return, Objective evidence) Afghanistan [2004] UKIAT 00150 (20 May 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00150, [2004] UKIAT 150; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 59 KB)

  35. GK (Young Female, Risk on Return) Rwanda CG [2004] UKIAT 00054 (25 March 2004) (View without highlighting) [25%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00054, [2004] UKIAT 54; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 21 KB)

  36. Secretary of State for the Home Department v M (DRC) [2004] UKIAT 00075 (18 March 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00075, [2004] UKIAT 75; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 17 KB)

  37. S v Secretary of State for the Home Department (DRC) [2004] UKIAT 00010 (10 February 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00010, [2004] UKIAT 10; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  38. VL (Risk, Failed Asylum Seekers) Democratic Republic of Congo CG [2004] UKIAT 00007 (28 January 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] UKIAT 00007, [2004] UKIAT 7; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 87 KB)

  39. NL (Mozu Facts) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00058 (03 September 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00058, [2003] UKIAT 58; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 31 KB)

  40. G v Secretary of State for the Home Department (DR Congo) [2003] UKIAT 00055 (22 August 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00055, [2003] UKIAT 55; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 29 KB)

  41. K v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Rwanda) [2003] UKIAT 00047 (19 August 2003) (View without highlighting) [23%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00047, [2003] UKIAT 47; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 5 KB)

  42. M v Secretary of State for the Home Department (DR Congo) [2003] UKIAT 00051 (10 July 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00051, [2003] UKIAT 51; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 69 KB)

  43. AN (Risk, Failed Asylum Seekers) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00050 (04 July 2003) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00050, [2003] UKIAT 50; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 32 KB)

  44. MM (risk, failed asylum seekers) Democratic Republic of Congo [2003] UKIAT 00071 (30 January 2003) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2003] UKIAT 00071, [2003] UKIAT 71; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 50 KB)

  45. STARRED IG (Exclusion, Risk, Maoists) Nepal [2002] UKIAT 04870 (14 October 2002) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    (2003 Imm AR 115, [2002] UKIAT 04870, [2002] UKIAT 4870, [2003] INLR 133, [2003] Imm AR 115; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 120 KB)

  46. PS (Risk, Mixed Ethnicity, Tutsi) Democratic Republic of Congo [2002] UKIAT 03061 (25 July 2002) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 03061, [2002] UKIAT 3061; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  47. EN v Entry Clearance Officer, Kampala (Rwanda) [2002] UKIAT 01613 (22 May 2002) (View without highlighting) [33%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 01613, [2002] UKIAT 1613; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 14 KB)

  48. Mapesa v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] UKIAT 01035 (08 April 2002) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2002] UKIAT 01035, [2002] UKIAT 1035; From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 17 KB)

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