Canterbury City Council (Local government) [2019] UKICO fer0851659 (1 November 2019)

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Cite as: [2019] UKICO fer0851659, [2019] UKICO fer851659

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Canterbury City Council

The complainant has requested information about complaints in respect of a specified property over a defined period of time. Canterbury City Council withheld the information because it considered that the information within scope was the personal data of third parties and that disclosure would breach the GDPR principles. The Commissioner’s decision is that, as the complainant and his family have either owned or occupied the land in question during the time period specified, all the information falling within the scope of the request is in fact the complainant’s own personal data. She has therefore applied Regulation 5(3) of the EIR proactively to prevent disclosure. The Commissioner does not require any further steps to be taken under the EIR.

EIR 13(1): Complaint upheld EIR 5(3): Complaint not upheld

Decision notice: fer0851659

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