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Total documents found in BAILII databases: 71
  1. Jordan, Re [2003] NIQB 1 (6 January 03) (View without highlighting) [58%]
    ([2003] NIQB 1; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 31 KB)

  2. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2012] NIQB 64 (26 September 2012) (View without highlighting) [57%]
    ([2012] NIQB 64; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 39 KB)

  3. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2013] NIQB 75 (4 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [54%]
    ([2013] NIQB 75; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 19 KB)

  4. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2008] NIQB 148 (15 December 2008) (View without highlighting) [53%]
    ([2008] NIQB 148; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 27 KB)

  5. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2013] NIQB 74 (4 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [51%]
    ([2013] NIQB 74; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 36 KB)

  6. Jordan, Re [2016] NICoroner 3 (5 December 2016) (View without highlighting) [51%]
    ([2016] NICoroner 3; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 13 KB)

  7. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2015] NICA 66 (22 September 2015) (View without highlighting) [51%]
    ([2015] NICA 66; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 27 KB)

  8. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2009] NIQB 76 (17 July 2009) (View without highlighting) [51%]
    ([2009] NIQB 76, [2010] Inquest LR 12; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 148 KB)

  9. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2003] NICA 54 (12 December 2003) (View without highlighting) [49%]
    ([2003] NICA 54; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 39 KB)

  10. Jordan, Re [2016] NICoroner 2 (21 November 2016) (View without highlighting) [49%]
    ([2016] NICoroner 2; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 20 KB)

  11. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2014] NICA 36 (7 May 2014) (View without highlighting) [48%]
    ([2014] NICA 36; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 24 KB)

  12. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2017] NIQB 135 (20 October 2017) (View without highlighting) [47%]
    ([2017] NIQB 135; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 42 KB)

  13. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2018] NICA 34 (15 October 2018) (View without highlighting) [47%]
    ([2018] NICA 34; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 137 KB)

  14. Jordan, Re Judicial Review [2014] NIQB 11 (31 January 2014) (View without highlighting) [47%]
    ([2014] NIQB 11; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 333 KB)

  15. Jordan, Re an Application for Judicial Review [2004] NIQB 27 (12 January 2004) (View without highlighting) [46%]
    ([2004] NIQB 27; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 34 KB)

  16. Jordan & Ors, Re Judicial Review [2014] NIQB 71 (20 May 2014) (View without highlighting) [45%]
    ([2014] NIQB 71; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 55 KB)

  17. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2001] NIQB 32 (04 September 2001) (View without highlighting) [45%]
    ([2001] NIQB 32; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 22 KB)

  18. Jordan, Re for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) [2019] UKSC 9 (6 March 2019) (View without highlighting) [45%]
    ([2019] HRLR 8, [2019] UKSC 9, [2020] NI 570; From United Kingdom Supreme Court; 59 KB)

  19. HUGH JORDAN v. THE UNITED KINGDOM - 24746/94 [2001] ECHR 327 (4 May 2001) (View without highlighting) [44%]
    ((2001) 11 BHRC 1, (2003) 37 EHRR 2, 11 BHRC 1, 37 EHRR 2, [2001] ECHR 327, [2001] Inquest LR 101; From European Court of Human Rights; 132 KB)

  20. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2002] NICA 27 (28 May 2002) (View without highlighting) [44%]
    ([2002] NICA 27; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 8 KB)

  21. Jordan, Re Applications for Judicial Review [2014] NICA 76 (17 Nov 2014) (View without highlighting) [43%]
    ([2014] NICA 76, [2016] NI 116; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 206 KB)

  22. Referendum Act & re: Jordan and Jordan -v- Minister for Children and Youth Affairs & ors [2015] IESC 33 (24 April 2015) (View without highlighting) [43%]
    ([2015] 4 IR 252, [2015] IESC 33; From Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions; 449 KB)

  23. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2003] NICA 30 (12 September 2003) (View without highlighting) [41%]
    ([2003] NICA 30; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 25 KB)

  24. Jordan v. Lord Chancellor & Anor (Northern Ireland) [2007] UKHL 14 (28 March 2007) (View without highlighting) [40%]
    ([2007] 2 AC 226, [2007] 2 WLR 754, [2007] UKHL 14; From United Kingdom House of Lords Decisions; 96 KB)

  25. Jordan, Re an Application for Judicial Review [2004] NICA 29(1) (10 September 2004 ) (View without highlighting) [40%]
    ([2004] NICA 29(1); From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 111 KB)

  26. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2004] NICA 30 (10 September 2004) (View without highlighting) [40%]
    ([2004] NICA 30; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 112 KB)

  27. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2024] NIKB 26 (28 March 2024) (View without highlighting) [40%]
    ([2024] NIKB 26; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland King's Bench Division Decisions; 101 KB)

  28. Jordan, Re an Application for Judicial Review [2004] NICA 29(2) (10 September 2004) (View without highlighting) [39%]
    ([2004] NICA 29(2); From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 39 KB)

  29. Jordan, Re Application for Judicial Review [2004] NICA 29 (10 September 2004) (View without highlighting) [39%]
    ([2004] NICA 29; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 39 KB)

  30. Jordan, Re Inquest into the death of [2016] NICoroner 1 (7 November 2016) (View without highlighting) [38%]
    ([2016] NICoroner 1; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 376 KB)

  31. Jordan's (Teresa) Application [2018] NICA 23 (25 May 2018) (View without highlighting) [12%]
    ([2018] NICA 23; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 53 KB)

  32. Collette and Michael HEMSWORTH v the United Kingdom - 58559/09 [2011] ECHR 1893 (8 November 2011) (View without highlighting) [9%]
    ([2011] ECHR 1893; From European Court of Human Rights; 35 KB)

  33. Donohoe, An Inquest Touching Upon the Death of [2022] NICoroner 9 10 (27 October 2022) (View without highlighting) [8%]
    ([2022] NICoroner 9 10; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 62 KB)

  34. HEMSWORTH COLLETTE AND MICHAEL v. THE UNITED KINGDOM - 58559/09 - Chamber Judgment [2013] ECHR 683 (16 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [7%]
    ([2013] ECHR 683; From European Court of Human Rights; 121 KB)

  35. McNally & Ors, Re AN INQUEST INTO THE DEATHS OF [2022] NICoroner 10 (22 September 2022) (View without highlighting) [6%]
    ([2022] NICoroner 10; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 55 KB)

  36. Officers C & Ors, Re Judicial Review [2012] NIQB 62 (18 September 2012) (View without highlighting) [6%]
    ([2012] NIQB 62; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 141 KB)

  37. Mumford, R (on the application of) v Her Majesty's Coroner for Reading & Anor [2002] EWHC 2184 (Admin) (29 October 2002) (View without highlighting) [6%]
    ([2002] EWHC 2184 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions; 21 KB)

  38. Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 2) Order, S.I. No. 368/1934 (View without highlighting) [6%]
    (From Irish Statutory Instruments; 321 KB)

  39. Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 2) Order, S.I. No. 587/1935 (View without highlighting) [6%]
    (From Irish Statutory Instruments; 353 KB)

  40. Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 3) Order, S.I. No. 369/1934 (View without highlighting) [5%]
    (From Irish Statutory Instruments; 228 KB)

  41. MCCAUGHEY & OTHERS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM - 43098/09 - Chamber Judgment [2013] ECHR 682 (16 July 2013) (View without highlighting) [5%]
    ((2014) 58 EHRR 13, 58 EHRR 13, [2013] ECHR 682; From European Court of Human Rights; 171 KB)

  42. Police Service of Northern Ireland v McCaughey & Anor [2005] NICA 1 (14 January 2005) (View without highlighting) [5%]
    ([2005] NICA 1; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 48 KB)

  43. Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 3) Order, S.I. No. 588/1935 (View without highlighting) [5%]
    (From Irish Statutory Instruments; 276 KB)

  44. McConville & Anor, Application for Judicial Review (Rev1) [2024] NIKB 23 (27 March 2024) (View without highlighting) [5%]
    ([2024] NIKB 23; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland King's Bench Division Decisions; 89 KB)

  45. Watt, In the matter of the inquest touching upon [2017] NICoroner 2 (27 April 2017) (View without highlighting) [5%]
    ([2017] NICoroner 2; From English and Welsh Courts - Miscellaneous; 48 KB)

  46. AN INQUEST INTO THE DEATHS OF LAWRENCE JOSEPH McNALLY, ANTHONY PATRICK DORIS AND MICHAEL JAMES RYAN, Re [2022] NICoroner 7 (29 September 2022) (View without highlighting) [5%]
    ([2022] NICoroner 7; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 32 KB)

  47. Hutchings, Re Application for Judicial Review [2019] UKSC 26 (6 June 2019) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2019] UKSC 26, [2020] NI 801; From United Kingdom Supreme Court; 81 KB)

  48. C & Ors, Re Judicial Review (Rev 2) [2012] NICA 47 (17 October 2012) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2012] NICA 47; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 131 KB)

  49. D, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2005] EWHC 728 (Admin) (28 April 2005) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2005] EWHC 728 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions; 118 KB)

  50. Director of Public Prosecutions -v- O'Shea [2014] IECCA 49 (27 November 2014) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2014] IECCA 49; From Irish Court of Criminal Appeal; 79 KB)

  51. Reynolds, R (on the application of) v Sussex Police & Anor [2008] EWHC 1240 (Admin) (16 May 2008) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2008] EWHC 1240 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions; 59 KB)

  52. M4, Re Application to Set Aside a Subpoena (Rev1) [2022] NICA 6 (02 February 2022) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2022] NICA 6; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 81 KB)

  53. Siberry, Re Judicial Review [2008] NIQB 147 (4 December 2008) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2008] NIQB 147; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions; 136 KB)

  54. Gribben, Re Application For Leave To Apply For Judicial Review [2017] NICA 16 (10 March 2017) (View without highlighting) [4%]
    ([2017] NICA 16, [2019] NI 231; From Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions; 176 KB)

  55. Byrne -v- Ireland & ors [2018] IEHC 437 (20 July 2018) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2018] IEHC 437; From High Court of Ireland Decisions; 99 KB)

  56. Three Rivers District Council & Ors v. Bank of England [2004] UKHL 48 (11 November 2004) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2004] 3 WLR 1274, [2004] UKHL 48, [2005] 1 AC 610, [2005] 4 All ER 948, [2005] AC 610; From United Kingdom House of Lords Decisions; 160 KB)

  57. Gentle & Anor, R (on the application of) v Prime Minister & Ors [2006] EWCA Civ 1689 (12 December 2006) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2006] EWCA Civ 1689, [2007] 2 WLR 195, [2007] HRLR 10, [2007] QB 689; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division) Decisions; 115 KB)

  58. In the matter of an inquest touching upon the death of Mr Joseph Parker [2017] NICoroner 8 (24 November 2017) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2017] NICoroner 8; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 0 KB)

  59. Dillon & Ors, Re Application for Judicial Review (Rev1) [2024] NIKB 11 (28 February 2024) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ([2024] NIKB 11; From High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland King's Bench Division Decisions; 977 KB)

  60. McKERR v. THE UNITED KINGDOM - 28883/95 [2001] ECHR 329 (4 May 2001) (View without highlighting) [3%]
    ((2001) 34 EHRR 20, (2002) 34 EHRR 20, 34 EHRR 20, [2001] ECHR 329, [2001] Inquest LR 170; From European Court of Human Rights; 189 KB)

  61. Antoniou, R (on the application of) v Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust & Ors [2013] EWHC 3055 (Admin) (10 October 2013) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ((2014) 135 BMLR 89, [2013] EWHC 3055 (Admin), [2013] Med LR 536, [2013] WLR(D) 379, [2015] 1 WLR 4459, [2015] WLR 4459; From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions; 145 KB)

  62. Finucane, Re Application for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) [2019] UKSC 7 (27 February 2019) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2019] 2 All ER 191, [2019] 3 All ER 191, [2019] HRLR 7, [2019] Inquest LR 71, [2019] NI 292, [2019] UKSC 7; From United Kingdom Supreme Court; 178 KB)

  63. Brown (Inquest into the death of) [2018] NICoroner 3 (23 April 2018) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2018] NICoroner 3; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 158 KB)

  64. Deery, In the matter of an inquest into the death of [2017] NICoroner 1 (10 April 2017) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2017] NICoroner 1; From English and Welsh Courts - Miscellaneous; 186 KB)

  65. Bradley, Inquest into the Death of [2019] NICoroner 15 (15 August 2019) (View without highlighting) [2%]
    ([2019] NICoroner 15; From Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous; 257 KB)

  66. Rights and Duties of Cohabitants (82-2006) (Report) [2006] IELRC 82 (December 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] IELRC 82; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 810 KB)

  67. Involuntary Manslaughter (Consultation Paper) (LRC CP44-2007) [2007] IELRC CP44 (March 2007) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2007] IELRC CP44; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 1639 KB)

  68. Prosecution Appeals From Unduly Lenient Sentences in the District Court (Consultation Paper) (LRC CP 33-2004) [2004] IELRC CP33 (June 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] IELRC CP33; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 774 KB)

  69. Vulnerable Adults and the Law: Capacity (Consultation Paper) (LRC CP 37-2006) [2005] IELRC CP37 (May 2005) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2005] IELRC CP37; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 1277 KB)

  70. Rights and Duties of Cohabitees (Consultation Paper) (LRC CP 32-2004) [2004] IELRC CP32 (April 2004) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2004] IELRC CP32; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 927 KB)

  71. Paper on Multi Unit Developments (Consultation Paper) (LRC CP42-2006) [2006] IELRC CP42 (December 2006) (View without highlighting) [1%]
    ([2006] IELRC CP42; From Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports; 1183 KB)

Total results: 71

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