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England and Wales Cases

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# (A Child) [2010] EWMC 75 (FPC) (2010)      -----      1-6 Kingsbere Court
1-6 Lansdowne Court      -----      4 Silver Hill
4 Southall Court      -----      8 Pluto Road
8 Portland Place      -----      12 Nova Court
12 Oats Royd      -----      17 Winyate Hill
17 Wood Lane      -----      23A Primrose Gardens
23B & 23C      -----      32 Henryson Road
32 Howard Road      -----      42-48 Bell Street
42A Commercial Road      -----      57 Witcombe Point
57/59 Kitchener Road      -----      82 Frobisher Approach
82 Oxford House      -----      124 Queens Gate
124 Wrottesley Road      -----      343 Langsett Road
345, 347 &      -----      889457 Alberta Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A and B v
A and B (inflicted      -----      A Father v A
A Father v Middlesbrough      -----      A NHS Trust v DE
A NHS Trust v Dr.      -----      AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd &
AAH Pharmaceuticals Ltd v      -----      Abbey National Plc v Bartholomew
Abbey National Plc v Customs      -----      AC v Berkshire
AC v DC      -----      Adedeji & Anor
Adedeji, R (on      -----      AG, R (on
AG, Re [2015]      -----      Ahsak, R (on
Ahsan, R (on      -----      Aktas v Adepta
Akter, R (On      -----      Alexander v Freshwater
Alexander v Great      -----      All Leasehold Flats the Freehold Interest in which is held by Island
All Leasehold Flats the Freehold Interest in which is held by One      -----      Alsop v Sheffield
Alsopp & Ors      -----      Amirifard, R (on
Amirteymour v The      -----      Anglo-Eastern Trust Ltd.
Anglorom Trans (UK)      -----      Apex Global Management Ltd v FI
Apex Global Management Ltd v Fi      -----      Armitage v Nurse &
Armitage v Nurse [2000]      -----      Asha Foundation, R
Ashany & Anor      -----      Astea (UK) Ltd.
Astellas Pharma Inc      -----      Attorney GeneralReference No.
Attorney Generals Ref      -----      AV & AU
AV (A Child)      -----      AZ (Child :
AZ, Re [2022]      -----      Azzurri Communications Ltd
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B, R &
B, R. v      -----      Bailey, R. v
Bailey, R v      -----      Banco de Sabadell
Banco De Sabadell      -----      Barclays Bank Plc v L.
Barclays Bank Plc v Landgraf      -----      Barrett v Universal-Island Records Ltd
Barrett v Universal-Island Records Ltd.      -----      Bath Rugby Ltd
Bathija v Lloyds      -----      Becker (A Bankrupt)
Becker, R (On      -----      Benhill Estate -
Benjafield & Ors,      -----      Betlejewski, R (on
Betson Medical (Ireland)      -----      Billie (A Child)
Billingford Holdings Ltd      -----      BK (Zimbabwe) v
BKI, R. v      -----      Bluewater Operations (UK)
Blum & Ors      -----      Booth & Anor v R.
Booth & Anor v Booth      -----      Boyd & Ors
Boyd v Incommunities      -----      Brawley v Marczynski
Braxton, R v      -----      Bristol City Council
Bristol City Council,      -----      Bromford Corinthia Housing
Bromford Housing Association      -----      Bruce v TTA Management Ltd & Ors [2015]
Bruce v TTA Management Ltd & Ors [2018]      -----      Bundeszentralamt Fur Steuern
Bunge SA v      -----      Butler, R (on the application of) v Secretary Of
Butler, R (on the application of) v Secretary of      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C K Phillips
C, L and      -----      Caldero Trading Ltd
Caldicott & Ors      -----      Cannon v Cannon [2004]
Cannon v Cannon [2005]      -----      Carr, R. v
Carr, R v      -----      Cavendish Square Holdings
Cavendish Square Investments      -----      CH v CT
CH v GLS      -----      Charlton & Anor
Charlton v Funding      -----      Chief Constable of Cleveland
Chief Constable of Cumbria      -----      Chunilal v Merrill
Church Commissioners For      -----      Clark & Anor
Clark & Anor,      -----      Clewer v Higgs
Clews, R. v      -----      Coker v Diocese
Coker v Nwakanma      -----      Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, R (On the Application Of) v Police Appeals Tribunal [2022] EWHC 1950
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, R (On the Application Of) v Police Appeals Tribunal [2022] EWHC 1951      -----      Contrarian Funds Llc
Controller of HM      -----      Cornelius v London Borough Of
Cornelius v London Borough of      -----      Cowan v Foreman
Cowan, R. v      -----      Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority,      -----      CS (Brazil) v
CS (Finding of      -----      CVB v MGN
CVF, Re [2020]      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      Dacorum Borough Council
Da'Costa, R (on      -----      Dart & Ors
Dart v Dart      -----      Davis, R. v [2008] EWCA Crim 1156
Davis, R. v [2008] EWCA Crim 2756      -----      Debt Collection London
Debt Free Direct      -----      Derby City Council v Mother
Derby City Council v SK      -----      DHL Air Ltd.
DHL GBS (UK)      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v Patterson
Director of Public Prosecutions v Petrie      -----      Doci v The
Dockerill & Anor      -----      Dougui v Magistrates
Douherty v The      -----      DS (Afghanistan) v
D-S (Children) [2008]      -----      Durrels House Warwick
Durrheim & Ors      -----      Dzuibek v Circuit
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      Eastwood, R (on
Eastwood v Wright      -----      Edwards, R. v [2018] EWCA Crim 424
Edwards, R. v [2018] EWCA Crim 595      -----      Ellaway, R (on
Ellenborough Park, Re      -----      England and Wales
England Environmental (Northern)      -----      Esposito, R. v
Esprit & Ors,      -----      Evans, R. v
Evans, R v      -----      Ezz, R (on
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Faithfull v Ipswich
Faiz & Ors      -----      Feakins & Anor
Feakins v Burstow      -----      Financial Reporting Council
Financial Services Authority      -----      Five Oceans Salvage Ltd, R      -----      Flat 2 2 Adelaide
Flat 2 2 Queens      -----      Flat 5 19
Flat 5 21      -----      Flat 14 Dormy
Flat 14 Estuary      -----      Flat B 2
Flat B, 5      -----      Flats 13 &
Flats 14-33, Fairgreen      -----      Force India Formula One Team Ltd v 1
Force India Formula One Team Ltd v Aerolab      -----      Francis v F Berndes Ltd & Ors [2011]
Francis v F Berndes Ltd & Ors [2021]      -----      FTF v MWM
FTH Ltd v      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gala Casinos Ltd,
Gala Tent Ltd      -----      Gategroup Guarantee Ltd, Re [2021] EWHC 304
Gategroup Guarantee Ltd, Re [2021] EWHC 775      -----      General Motors Corporation
General Motors UK      -----      Gibb (by her
Gibb v Maidstone      -----      Glatt v Sinclair
Glatter v NHS      -----      Godefroy & Anor
Godfrey & Anor      -----      Goodwin, R v
Goodwin (t/a Appropriate      -----      Grant & Anor v Baker
Grant & Anor v Ralls      -----      Green (t/a Green Denman & Co),
Green (t/a Green Denman & Co)      -----      Gromovs v Prosecutor
Gronostajski v Government      -----      Gulf International Bank
Gulf Petrochem FZC      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      HA (A Child),
HA (Iraq) v      -----      Hall v Sandwell
Hall v The      -----      Hanley v Stage
Hanlon & Anr      -----      Harris v Harris [2001] EWCA Civ 1645
Harris v Harris [2001] EWCA Civ 1967      -----      Hatchett v Hampshire
Hatega, R (on      -----      Healing Herbs Limited
Health & Case      -----      Henry, R. v
Henry, R v      -----      Higgins & Ors v TLT
Higgins & Ors v ERC      -----      HKS v HSM
H-L (A Child),      -----      Hobson, R. v
Hobson v R.      -----      Hone & Ors
Hone v Going      -----      Howard De Walden
Howard Gardens Manco      -----      Hughes Jarvis Ltd
Hughes v Jones      -----      Hussain v EUI
Hussain v General      -----      HZ & Ors,
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor,      -----      Iles v R.
Iles v Ross      -----      Innospec Ltd, R.
Innovate Logistics Ltd      -----      Iran v The
Irani v Duchon      -----      Izzet & Anor
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      Jabeen v Lloyds
Jaber v Al      -----      Jamp Pharma Corporation
Jamshidi, R (on      -----      Jemma Trust Company
Jemma Trust Ltd      -----      Joel v Morison
Jofa Ltd &      -----      Jones & Anor
Jones & Anor,      -----      Joyce & Anor,
Joyce v Morrisey      -----      JW, R (on
JW, Re [2015]      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      Kadri, R (on
Kadyamarunga v Secretary      -----      Kaur & Shah,
Kaur v Bolina      -----      Kelly v Miller
Kelly v Ministry      -----      KGaA v Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & Ors [2020] EWHC 1273
KGaA v Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & Ors [2020] EWHC 2120      -----      Kiarie, R (On
Kibe, R (on      -----      Kirin-Amgen Inc. v
Kirk & Anor      -----      Kodric & Anor
Koeller & Anor      -----      Krupeckiene v Public
Kruppa v Benedetti      -----      Kyzuna Investments Ltd.
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      Laidley v Metropolitan
Laine v Cadwallader      -----      Langford v The
Langinger v Earl      -----      Lazell v Line
Lazo v United      -----      Legal Services Commission v Penelope
Legal Services Commission v Rasool      -----      Lewin v Gray
Lewin v Crown      -----      Lim v Royal
Lim v The      -----      Lloyd & Anor,
Lloyd & Anor      -----      London (1967 Act decisions) [1997] EWLVT 9
London (1967 Act decisions) [1997] EWLVT 10      -----      London Borough of Greenwich
London Borough of H      -----      London Borough of Wandsworth v Dixon
London Borough of Wandsworth v Griffin      -----      Lovell Partnerships Ltd & Anor v Merton Priory Homes [2014] EWHC 1615
Lovell Partnerships Ltd & Anor v Merton Priory Homes [2014] EWHC 1800      -----      LYB, R (On
Lydford v Skinner      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v B      -----      M, R v [2000]
M, R v [2003]      -----      Maco Door and
Macob Civil Engineering      -----      Makki v Bank
Makki, R (On      -----      Mann v Mann [2014]
Mann v Mann [2016]      -----      Marks and Spencer PLC v Aldi
Marks and Spencer PLC v Secretary      -----      Masri v Consolidated Contractors International Company Sal
Masri v Consolidated Contractors International Company SAL      -----      Mayze v Ms
Mazaheri v SSHD      -----      McDougal, R (on
McDougall Johnson v      -----      McMillan Williams (a
McMillan-Smith, R. v      -----      Mehta v R.
Mehta, R v      -----      MET v HAT
Metal Distributors (UK)      -----      Microcredit Ltd v
Microleve Ace Ltd      -----      Midland [2002] EWLVT 130
Midland [2002] EWLVT 187      -----      Milton Keynes Council
Milton Keynes District      -----      MK, R. v
MK v R      -----      Moher v Moher
Mohidin & Anor      -----      Morgan & Anor v Cilento
Morgan & Anor v Egan      -----      Mostyn House Estate Management Company Ltd v Youde & Ors [2022]
Mostyn House Estate Management Company Ltd v Youde & Ors [2021]      -----      Mrs Gemma Greenhough
Mrs Gurbakaksh Birk      -----      Multiplex Constructions (UK)
Mulugeta Guadie Mengiste      -----      MWB Business Exchange
Mwesezi v The      -----      MZ (Pakistan) v
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & A      -----      Nash & Ors
Nash v Birmingham      -----      Navios International Inc
Navision Shipping AS      -----      Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Generics
Neurim Pharmaceuticals (1991) Ltd & Anor v Teva      -----      Nicholas v Ministry
Nicholas Prestige Homes      -----      Nokia Technologies OY & Anor v Oneplus
Nokia Technologies OY & Anor v OnePlus      -----      Northern (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 319
Northern (1967 Act decisions) [2005] EWLVT 353      -----      Nuro v The
Nursing & Midwifery      -----      Nzolameso v City
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v P      -----      OCC v W
Occidental Chartering Inc      -----      Okang, R v
Okanta, R v      -----      Onotota, R (on
ONS Ultimate Holdings      -----      Osman v Ferguson
Osman, R. v      -----      Ozturk & Ors,
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v T      -----      Paddick v Associated
Paddico (267) Ltd      -----      Parish v Roche
Parish v Wikimedia      -----      Patel v Patel
Patel, R. v      -----      "Pearl", Owners of
Pearl Petroleum Company      -----      Perotti v Perotti
Perotti v Watson      -----      Phelps v London
Phelps, R v      -----      Ping On 3
Pinheiro, R (On      -----      PM, R. v
PM, R (on      -----      Powa (Jersey) Ltd
Powar & Anor,      -----      Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP v
Prichard, R (on      -----      Provident SPV Ltd,
Provimi France S.A.S.      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      QXB v University
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R v Pedley
R. v Peter      -----      Rahmatullah & Anor v Ministry
Rahmatullah & Anor v The      -----      Rashid v Munir
Rashid v Nasrullah      -----      Re P [2010] EWCOP
Re P [2010] EWHC      -----      Regentford Ltd, R (on the application of) v Canterbury
Regentford Ltd, R (on the application of) v Shepway      -----      Revenue and Customs
Revenue And Customs      -----      Richardson Roofing Company Ltd v Ballast
Richardson Roofing Company Ltd v The      -----      Robert v Woodall
Roberts v The      -----      Rogers v R
Rogers, R v      -----      Rovi Guides, Inc
Rovi Guides Inc      -----      RSM (A Child),
RSM Bentley Jennison      -----      Rzeczkowski v Provincial
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v S      -----      S, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Sutton [2007] EWCA
S, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Sutton [2007] EWHC      -----      Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd v Mastercard Incorporated & Ors [2015]
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd v Mastercard Incorporated & Ors (Rev      -----      Sandhu, R. v
Sandhu, R (on      -----      Save Historic Newmarket
Save North St      -----      SCI Games Ltd.
SCI (Sales Curve      -----      Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Anderson
Secretary of State for Business and Trade v Abdulali      -----      Secretary of State for the Home Department v Ouedrani
Secretary of State for the Home Department v P3      -----      Senator Hanseatische Verwaltungsgesellschaft
Senay & Anor      -----      Shaheen, Application for
Shaheen, R (on      -----      Sheikh Khalid Bin
Sheikh v Law      -----      Shuttari v The
Shuttlewood, R (On      -----      Singh v Secretary
Singh & Anor      -----      Skiggs v Skiggs
Skillett v Skillett      -----      Smith v ADVFN
Smith AKA Derber,      -----      SN (Botswana) v
SN (Pakistan) v      -----      Somaia, Re (Rev
Somatra Ltd. v      -----      Southwood & Anor
Southwood and Parsons      -----      Squire v Thames
Squires & Ors      -----      Standard Bank Plc & Anor v Agrinvest International Inc & Ors [2007]
Standard Bank Plc & Anor v Agrinvest International Inc & Ors [2010]      -----      Stephenson v Secretary
Stepien v Circuit      -----      Strachan & Henshaw
Strachey v Ramage      -----      Summers v London
Summers Poultry Products      -----      Sweeney v Westminster
Sweeney v Wise      -----      Szymanski v Regional
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v G      -----      Taj v The
Tajadin, R (on      -----      Taylor v Lancashire
Taylor v London      -----      Ten Entertainment Group
Tenacity Marine Inc      -----      The Anderson Group
The Anti-Trafficking And      -----      The Flat 5
The Flat 20      -----      The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilities Water Ltd [2016]
The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilities Water Ltd [2021]      -----      The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds v Secretary
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds v The      -----      Thomas, Application For
Thomas, Application to      -----      Thyssen Inc v
TI v Bromley      -----      Toleikis v Klaipeda
Toleikis, R. v      -----      Tracey King (As
Tracey, R (on      -----      Triumph Actuation Systems
Triumph Controls -      -----      Turner v Royal
Turner v Secretary      -----      TZA, R (On
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U & Partners(East      -----      Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers & Ors v Tesco Stores Ltd [2022] EWCA
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers & Ors v Tesco Stores Ltd [2022] EWHC      -----      UT (Sri Lanka)
Uta De Campomar      -----      Uz-Zaman Munim, R
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
V & Anor      -----      Various Claimants v The
Various Claimants v WM      -----      Versloot Dredging BV & Anor v HDI Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG & Ors (Rev 1) [2013] EWHC 1666
Versloot Dredging BV & Anor v HDI Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG & Ors (Rev 1) [2013] EWHC 1667      -----      Vodafone 2 v
Vodafone Group Plc      -----      V-Z (Children), Re
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W v H      -----      Wade v Baylis
Wade v Grimwood      -----      Walter Llewellyn &
Walters & Anor      -----      Wathen-Fayed v Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and
Wathen-Fayed v Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing And      -----      Welch v Welch [2016]
Welch v Welch [2017]      -----      Westlaw Services Ltd
WestLB Ag v      -----      Whiting & Anor
Whiting v First/Keolis      -----      Williams, Application for Reconsideration
Williams, Application for Set      -----      Wilson, R. v [2023] EWCA
Wilson, R. v [2023] EWHC      -----      Wolszlegier v District
Wolters (London) Ltd.,      -----      Wray, R. v
Wray, R (on      -----      WZ (China) v
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      Xanthopoulos v Rakshina [2023] EWFC 50
Xanthopoulos v Rakshina [2023] EWFC 158      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yorkshire Traction Company
Yorkshire Water Services      -----      YZ, R (On
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      Zeromska-Smith v United
Zeroual, R. v      -----      ZZZ v Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2019] EWHC 1642 (QB) (26 June 2019)

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