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Recent Decisions (Northern Ireland)

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You are here: BAILII >> Recent Decisions (Northern Ireland)

Recent decisions lists contain the 20 most recently rendered court judgments for each BAILII court/tribunal database, in reverse chronological order.

Last updated 22 October 2024


Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Decisions

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Chancery Division Decisions

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Division Decisions

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Family Division Decisions

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland King's Bench Division Decisions

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Queen's Bench Division Decisions

Northern Ireland High Court of Justice, Masters' decisions

Crown Court for Northern Ireland Decisions

Industrial Tribunals Northern Ireland Decisions

Fair Employment Tribunal Northern Ireland Decisions

Northern Ireland - Social Security and Child Support Commissioners' Decisions

Northern Irish Courts - Miscellaneous

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